A question of sex: the driving force

I have been through many different stages in my life: times where I have had no drive whatsoever, times where I have had what seems to be a regular level of drive and times where I have been climbing the wall like some kind of nymphomaniac.  There are definitely hormonal and mental angles to it […]

A question of sex: the debate of size

Size is one of those contentious issues when discussing sex.  It’s something that people take personally, regardless of their gender or the circumstances that it’s discussed.  People often think that the only relevance of size is the male‘s role but 2 pieces fitting together means that both parts have a certain contribution to be made […]

Bigotry in its purest form

I love wordpress.  It’s the avenue I have to let me explore the facets of my mind that I had no idea existed.  It helps me understand who I am and get out all of the thoughts and feelings I have that day.  There is a dark side to that though.  Where it gives me […]

A question of sex: the beauty of hands and feet

In direct comparison to my thoughts on oral sex, are there the same issues when hands are being used instead of mouths?  Is everything down to personal preference or are there specific things that would work on everybody?  Obviously that question is gender specific considering the fact that the parts they’re referring to are the […]

A question of sex: the oral chronicles

I’ve just read a blog entry that was posted on the thought catalogue about how long is too long where blow jobs are concerned.  It was awesome, very well written and made me think A LOT!  I often ponder sex: my experiences, the differences between partners, how people react differently to others and whether your […]

Banana surprise

It’s been ages since I’ve blogged.  I think about it often and I’ve missed the cleansing I feel from it, but I have just been so exhausted that finding the time to put my events into words has just been non-existent.  It’s been really nice to see that even though I’ve not been writing anything […]

Pointless taboos

I just got a text from my husband.  This man is 41 years old and still seems to be incapable of using the word ‘sex’.  How can this be possible?  It got me thinking about how many people in our society who have issues talking or even thinking about everyday things.  Take masturbation, for example, […]

Unknown dimensions

Ever since I’ve been exploring things with The Doctor, I have continually been surprised at myself and my ability to dominate in an effective manner.  From being physically ill at the prospect of what I thought domination was, to learning that it’s something that’s instinctively inside of me.  There are elements of it that I […]

Twisting the dark side further

I started talking about this subject yesterday but it ended up turning into something entirely different once I was putting things into words.  It’s strange how thoughts do that!  The thing I’ve noticed most often about getting these thoughts out onto here is that it makes a lot more sense of the silly things that […]

The dark side has a twist

Recently i found myself revisiting a stage of my life, in my mind, while I was blogging it on here.  It’s something that I don’t think of very often but something that has come into conversation quite a few times over the years since.  On here I am quite respectful about things being very anonymous […]